Thursday, October 26, 2006

Past Project Parade, Part 1

Last year, I knitted a hat for a friend. Now, we're both nerds (okay, I'm technically a knerd, but it's really the same thing), so we're Firefly obsessed. When he realized I was a knitter (we really hadn't been friends long at that point) he offered to pay me if I would make him a Jayne Cobb hat.

Do you think I did?

Do I even have to ask?

So, without further ado, here it is:

The boring flat shot.

A much more interesting "action" shot.

And the money shot! A very happy customer.

My only regret is that he asked for it at the end of winter, so he didn't get much chance to wear it. Thank Something it's getting cold again...

Also, the pattern is my own design. If you'd like it, please let me know and I'll send it to you.*

*Disclaimer: pattern has not been published or test-knit, so you do so at your own risk.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I Humbly Apologize

Of course, if I thought I had more than one reader, I might actually feel guiltier about not posting sooner. If ever there was a time to start commenting...

Anyway, while the technology problem that has up to now prevented pictures on this klog has not been fixed, it has been hacked. So without further ado, I give you some knitting pr0n:

This is all the sock yarn currently in my stash. It's not much, but...oh, the possibilities. There will be more someday when I can afford it (and have the time to fondle it stash has been very neglected as late).

After taking pictures of all the yarn individually, I realized the yarn had gathered itself together, and done a much better job than I had setting it out. Really, I like to think of my yarn as progressive--the Sockotta is more than willing to snuggle up to the Trekking XXL, and they'll both welcome in the Regia...

My stash doesn't yet rival Kristi's or Cookie's, and while I don't remember pictures of the full stash (I hear it's hard to get the stash in one place for pictures) of The Harlot, I know she's got miles on me. As a side note, anyone want to hazard a guess as to which blogs I check every single day multiple times a day (just in case)? Still, I'm young. I'm poor. I just started knitting socks this spring.

Soon there will be a post of the socks I've knit since then. I warn you, I started my sock craze with Pomatomus, and kind of went on from there. I also made up the patterns for my other socks. And I slightly modified the Great Pomatomus for my own ends (and heels).

I think I'll leave you all (all one of you...) with a picture of my next pair of socks.

Envy me. You know you want to.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Dead Batteries

Were there working batteries in my house, I would have taken a picture of the clown-puke yarn I found in the package I opened today. As it is, you'll just have to experience that horror tomorrow...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Delayed Problems you all remember when I was working to fix the technology problem, and I accidentally stayed on eBay another hour a little longer to look at yarn? And how I, again totally involuntarily, managed to buy two skeins?

What I didn't tell you at the time was that I'd submitted a bid that wasn't automatically rejected. Somehow, it managed to survive the next couple days until now (I swear, it wasn't even that high...), and I won.

Hoo boy.

Of course, I wouldn't just taunt you with this story without planning to show you the yarn:

Isn't it beautiful? Doesn't it just remind you of the sea and all the different colors thereof? Don't you wish it was yours?

Of course you do.

Unfortunately for you, Dear Reader, it's mine. I won.

Now, if someone were to propose a contest I could run, with the yarn going to the winner...I might entertain that idea.

For this plan to work, though, I'd actually need to know I have a following...which means you'd have to post comments letting me know you're there. you want this yarn?

Come on, you know you want it...

Then let me know why I should give it to you.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hugs & Kisses

So...that technical issue I was telling you all about? Will be fixed shortly. Seriously. And if not, I've thought of a few hacks I might employ.

However, being a Computer Science major does have its benefits. In my HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) class today, they passed out cell phones for us to program. In theory, we have to give them back soon, but...

...they have cameras on them. Do you know what that means? Of course you do. That means that I can start showing you some pictures (although I warn you, the quality is is, after all, only a free cell phone).

I thought I'd start with my latest finished object, hot off the needles not 3 hours ago. I give you:

The Hugs & Kisses Gloves

This is the back. They're fair isled with an adapted pattern from Vogue Knitting Stitches (or some such...the book is downstairs and I'm tired...I'm quite certain that Vogue made it, and that's about it. If you really care, comment and I'll tell you). The glove construction itself...well, that's all me. The yarn is a combination of Ja Woll in...something, and...uh...something black. *whacks self for stupidity* Again, if you really care, comment and I'll find the ball bands to post pertinent information.

Wanna see the front? Of course you do.

And a couple gratuitous shots of me wearing one of them (my other hand is working the cell phone):

They're a bit tighter than I'd like, but I think they'll stretch to perfection as I wear them over the next few months.

I've got to say, I'm quite enamored with the Ja Woll (it's the colored yarn). The way the colors come together is fantastic. I can't wait to finish the socks I've got cast on now so I can start knitting socks in this yarn. I've even got my pattern already picked out.

What am I planning to knit? Well, my Dear Readers, that is something you'll just have to find out...

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Okay, the technology thing is on its way to being fixed, which means that sometime in the foreseeable future there will be pictures on this klog and I can dazzle you all with my amazing prowess as a knitter.

Or, at least, show you works in progress and my small growing pile of homemade socks.

Unfortunately, Dear Readers, the fix to the technology thing involved a brief trip to eBay, which--yet more unfortunately for my bank account--did not actually end up being all that short.

Luckily, I wasn't willing to bid high enough to win most of the yarn I wanted. And I managed to keep up a pretty constant mantra of, "Okay, that's great, but how much would I pay for it if I was at The Weaving Works with cash?" Somehow, I managed to win only two balls of Sockotta.

Have I mentioned that I love Sockotta. The first socks I ever knit (or at least the first ones I ever really liked) were done in Sockotta. This yarn will always have a special place in my heart and my stash.

Also, my yarn shop has committed the graven sin of only carrying two colors of it. Damn them.

Do you want to see my yarn? Of course you do...

Seriously, how could I resist? It's bloody rainbow!

Can you just imagine the socks this will make? Seriously!

They should be here any day now...or, well, in a week or so. Hopefully by then I'll have fixed the hardware problem and will be able to show you the yarn in person, so to speak.

Plus, as soon as the technology has been fixed, there will be a picture of my collection of hand-knit socks. How's that for incentive?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oh, We Wants It

Lately, I've been craving a spinning wheel. By lately, of course, what I mean is that I've thought getting one was a necessity since I tried my stepmother's last year.

How I've managed to not buy one so far is beyond me. I've probably spent that much on clothes I haven't worn since then. (Okay, probably not, but I'm sure I would have enjoyed the wheel more than the clothes. I can always spin naked...)

Of course, it doesn't help that I know exactly which wheel I want. Now, I haven't done extensive research. I haven't tried out several different wheels to figure out how I like the handling of different types. All I've done, really, is go to The Weaving Works and look at their spinning wheels.

It's not a coincidence that I picked the least expensive. However, I don't think I'd have picked another even if cost wasn't a factor.

Isn't it pretty? Don't you think we were meant for each other?

To give you the specs: It's an Ashford Kiwi Double Treadle. Oh, how I pine for it. Someday, it will be mine.

In fact, let me make this perfectly clear: if I make it through the holiday season sane and in possession of some amount of money, and assuming my stepmom doesn't figure out what I'd really like for Christmas (keeping in mind that I will be not-so-subtly reminding her), then... will be mine.

My feet are rocking just thinking about it.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Uh-Oh...This Might Hurt

Whilst receiving a ride home from choir today, I discovered that my fellow soprano was also a knitter. Furthermore, she knew about a yarn shop not ten blocks from my apartment.

She claims this shop is better than The Weaving Works , where I've been getting all most of my yarn lately. Honestly, I don't have many problems with The WW, but if her shop is better...

Oh dear. I may be in trouble...

Also, I swear the picture problem will be resolved shortly...and then I will inundate you with knitting pr0n. Seriously.