Friday, October 13, 2006

Hugs & Kisses

So...that technical issue I was telling you all about? Will be fixed shortly. Seriously. And if not, I've thought of a few hacks I might employ.

However, being a Computer Science major does have its benefits. In my HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) class today, they passed out cell phones for us to program. In theory, we have to give them back soon, but...

...they have cameras on them. Do you know what that means? Of course you do. That means that I can start showing you some pictures (although I warn you, the quality is is, after all, only a free cell phone).

I thought I'd start with my latest finished object, hot off the needles not 3 hours ago. I give you:

The Hugs & Kisses Gloves

This is the back. They're fair isled with an adapted pattern from Vogue Knitting Stitches (or some such...the book is downstairs and I'm tired...I'm quite certain that Vogue made it, and that's about it. If you really care, comment and I'll tell you). The glove construction itself...well, that's all me. The yarn is a combination of Ja Woll in...something, and...uh...something black. *whacks self for stupidity* Again, if you really care, comment and I'll find the ball bands to post pertinent information.

Wanna see the front? Of course you do.

And a couple gratuitous shots of me wearing one of them (my other hand is working the cell phone):

They're a bit tighter than I'd like, but I think they'll stretch to perfection as I wear them over the next few months.

I've got to say, I'm quite enamored with the Ja Woll (it's the colored yarn). The way the colors come together is fantastic. I can't wait to finish the socks I've got cast on now so I can start knitting socks in this yarn. I've even got my pattern already picked out.

What am I planning to knit? Well, my Dear Readers, that is something you'll just have to find out...

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